If you are blogger, webmaster or a SEO you would probably agree with me that SEO (search engine optimization) has become an industry which shows your small or medium size business presence at internet. Being a SEO you need to track the progress of your website and keyword position constantly which could be annoying, boring or time consuming sometimes while doing a work on multiple sites or blogs.
There are plenty of things you need to monitor for you websites such as.
Page Rank
Keywords position on different search engines
Estimation of traffic
social media optimization progress
Tracking and analyzing your competitors
Number of backlinks
On page factors such as (content optimization, keywords density etc)
If you are working on your own blog or running your own website you might overlook the above factors but if you are working for a client or a employee in a company you must track these things in order to keep your website ranking up at SERP (search engine result pages) but as I said earlier it could be time consuming to check you plenty of keywords position, track traffic or social media influence on your website manually, in that scenario you must need an authentic and bona fide SEO software and I would say SheerSEO online software is one of the best online seo software with awe-inspiring features.
I am using SheerSEO it offers plenty of epic features such as:
Track the SERP ranking of your keywords:
It is very important to track your keywords rankings at different search engine specially google and it is quite stagnant and tedious particularly when your keywords are at 15 to 20 page cause you have to go through the pages to know the actual rankings of your keywords. SheerSEO has got perfect solution “Track Ranking” software. It tells your keywords ranking at all major search engine such as google, bing and yahoo and save your precious time, have a look at this screenshot to know the authenticity of this tool.
Let’s have a look at elaboration of “Track Ranking tool”.
It shows the result from all the major search engines such as google, bing and yahoo.you can check the result as per your desire just by clicking on drop down menu at the left top.
You can check the local search result (as it is very important if you are optimizing a website locally for example if you are optimizing a Canadian website you would be more focused to obtain results from local search engine like “google.ca” rather than globally) hence it facilitates you.
Moreover it shows search volume, average CPC, estimated clicks and real clicks (This data is taken from Google Analytics.)
Historical positions is also a vital feature have a look at this picture for further illustration.
Page Rank
Page Rank is also an important term in SEO google assigns PR (Page Rank ) for every web page from ( N-A, 0 to 10) as higher the PR as authoritative the web page is. Google keep updating its PR time to time, sheer seo also covers the historical page rank look at this chart.
Usage of Google Analytics:
In Advanced accounts SheerSeo allows you to import data from your google analytics account and it briefly demonstrates the search terms ranking, position, estimated clicks, traffic and real clicks (which is taken via google analytics).
Back links are the backbone of a website as much highly PR, authoritative and relevant backlinks you get as much higher ranking you gain. SheerSeo “Main Referrers” expedite you to check the number of backlinks. Main Referrers not only shows the backlinks but it has got the other superior characteristics such as it shows:
The complete source URL which links to your website or blog.
Page Rank of that particular link.
Link text structure (anchor text).
Indicates the dofollow/ no dofollow attribute.
PR boost (it shows the value of the link).
Directory Submission Software:
Directory Submission is seo link building tactic and a great way to grab one way link but it is quite time consuming as well. SheerSeo Directory Submission software assist you to submit the directories form and saves your precious time. You just need to create profile which consists of name, title (keyword) ,description, other basic details and captcha (in some directories url).
Other SheerSeo features:
In addition to the features described above SheerSeo has got plenty of other helpful and useful seo tools such as:
Blogs review requests.
Tweets tracking by others (who mention your site or message)
Facebook shares, likes, comments and even the URL breakdown for further description.
Keyword density of web pages.
Content benchmarking.
Seo Reports (besides online interface of SheerSeo you can also e mail the reports, define the date and set the format (CSV or PDF).
Number of indexed pages from Google and Yahoo.
SheerSeo also offers a master account which tracks the multiple domains under one account.
Social Bookmarking (it indicates the number of shares, votes or diggs of major social networking sites.
Analysis your competitors ranking through SheerSeo “Tracking competitors” tool. It shows their search engine position and referral sites.
Sum up:
In the end I must recommend you to try SheerSeo to automate your plenty of hard work in a smarter and efficient way. SheerSeo is now the family of over 4 million people including bloggers, webmasters, web owners, amateurs and professionals. Last but not the least it offers 60 days free trial you just need to sign up and avail the amazing benefits and features SheerSeo.