If you have a wordpress blog you must care about it posting a new posts adding new categories make blog design more better but how google knows about it and how people will find your content ? just posting a content is not a rocket science you have to do some extra effort to make your post more visible on internet fortunately lots of Seo plugins available to make your blog more Seo friendly and help you to increase your search engine ranking.
Here we gonna share 10 most popular and and highest rated Seo wordpress plugin.
This is a most popular seo plugin for wordpress this plugin help you to choose custom post title and keyword offer you canonical urls make your post structure more seo friendly and protect you from duplicate content problems as well really easy to handle for users.
Smart links provide you free automatic seo advantage for your blog its automatically link your keyword inside your blog post its really good for your blog this plugin also support nofollow and open in new window features.
As the name indicate this plugin has ultimate features this plugin help you to manage your post,page title meta tags canonical link and harmful 404 errors as well you can add meta robot tag for each post or page as well you can redirect 404 pages to your content through this plugin this plugin also offer another feature of competition researcher help you to find out you competitors webpages for your primary keywords.
This plugin offer you on page seo to make your search engine ranking more better also make sure that all your post has been index by google as well give you details information about your best keywords for your blog or website sidebar widget also available of this plugin with recent search terms and popular search terms .
This plugin has lots of ueful features such as 301 redirect for any permalink changes, optimized post titles for search engine,automatically genearate seo relevant meta tags option to turn off page an d post title for any particular post as well help you to avoid duplicate content compatible with most other wordpress plugins.
Another awesome wordpress seo plugin with almost all features Headspace seo plugin loaded with lots of quality features tags keyword separate home page description separate page and even separate category description as well you can configure meta tags for 404 pages or search pages you can define additional css and js files noindex or nofollow meta tags. Its also allowed you to add google analytic or statcounter.
This plugin offers you a features to transfer your all seo data from one theme/plugin to another as we all know its painful to switch theme dump data activate plugin as well its support all major seo plugin which I mentioned above.
Images also play a vital role to increase search engine ranking seo friendly image plugin automatically update all of your blog images with proper and seo relevant ALT and Title attributes Alt tag is pretty important its tell search engines about your images. Although ALT is not highly increase your visitors but its quite important for on page seo.
This plugin help you generate seo friendly xml sitemap which help all major search engines to properly index your website or blog with this xml sitemap crawlers easily index your all content as well this plugin notify all search engines when you do some updation on your blog.
Meta Seo Pack is another good seo plugin to boost your search ranking this plugin stop search engine to index your feeds or achive page that’s how it avoids duplicate content issues if you are a begginer user then default setting is good for you and if you are an advanced user then lots of more options available to spice up your blog.
As we all know wordpress is a seo friendly cms but still there a plenty of improvement we can do these seo plugin make our content more visible save our times and increase our search engine ranking if we use them in a correct way.
So which of above mention plugin your are currently using ? tell us your experience with seo plugin via comments.