10 Places to Buy High Quality Magento Themes

Magento is an awesome platform for e-commerce and getting more popular day by day i also personally like magento due to its features and architecture and i always feel great to share my magento knowledge that’s why i added magento category i feel its still pretty hard to find your desire search regarding magento for example if you search regarding magento image slider on Google you can’t get desire result within top 10 searches you have to search till 6 to 7 pages or may be more because magento is still not enough popular yet like wordpress or drupal.

I always try to help my readers to find quality stuff about magento on my site so i am here again to share my compiled knowledge regarding websites which provide premium magento themes.

Here i am gonna present the list of best premium maganto themes provider websites hopefully you enjoy and if you think i missed something please shout via comment.

Magento Themes

Magento themes offers quality themes between the price range of $0 to 139$.

There themes are seo optimized and cross browser tested they are growing up not a wide range of showcase yet.

Gala Themes

First impression is the last impression and Gala theme proved it their website design really impressed me as well i found some beautiful design themes there they are selling themes between 100$ to 150$. As well gala themes offers free of charge magento theme and extensions installation service that’s cool.

Em Themes

Em themes has a nice collection of magento themes their mostly themes price starts from $99

Web Experiment

Web Experiment price range is $169 little bit expensive then others but their themes comes with a bonus of magento onepage checkout and a shipping price calculator so overall its a awesome package as well they offer some free magento themes to download.

Mage World

Mage world themes price is $89 as well they offer 6 month membership for $200 after buying membership you can download all of their themes.

Template Mela

Template Mela has some outstanding designs their price of magento themes is between $79 to $99.

Mag Themes

Mag Themes price range is between $99 to $149.

Jextn Magento Themes

You can browse lots of professionally design magento themes Jextn price for magento themes starts from $49 to $149.

Theme Forest

Theme forest is a big name regarding web themes lots of quality magento themes available to buy at their showcase on cheap rates their magento themes price starts form $40 to $90.

Template Monster

Template Monster offers ultimate choice of magento themes lots of beautifully design themes available at their showcase price starts from $175.

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