Every magento developer need free magento hosting for testing or taking his work review online before living project for client and as a magento developer i searched a lot on the internet and i hardly found some nice free magento web hosting sites these sites are very nice and some of the sites have one click magento installer here is list of free magento hosting sites you can use them for any content management system
1) Magento Polis
This is very nice site offer free web hosting you can sign up for free web hosting account in few minutes.they also have magento sample or without sample data service.
2) 000 Free Web hosting
They also offers free hosting services with 1500mb disk space and almost 100gb bandwidth.
3) Bravenet
Brave net offer huge amount of hosting and unlimited domain as well they offer daily backup for their free hosting customers.
4) Magenting
Magenting also offer free hosting but they have limited with features.
5) Freehostia
freehostia chocolate pakage which is free including 250mb disk space and 1 click 40+ Scripts Installer which is cool for free.
These free hosting sites i searched while searching on net for free magento hosting hope this list help someone who looking for test hosting good luck.