7 Killer Ways to Drive Traffic To Your Website

Rather than just create a website and assume that is enough, you really need to be putting effort into driving traffic to your website. You need visitors coming to your site in order to sell products and you shouldn’t assume that this will happen on its own.


Driving Traffic To Your Site


You need to advertise your website and let people know you are out there. This could be paid advertising online or offline. Any adverts you put out there need to have your website mentioned.

Social Media

Without a doubt, you need to make sure that your company has a social media presence. So many of us use social networks on a daily basis and your customers are no exception. Get involved with the likes of Facebook and Twitter to advertise your site.

Catch People’s Attention

The content that you put out there needs to catch people’s attention. Whether you’re putting text on your website or writing updates for social media you need to make sure you’re writing things that people actually want to read.

Search Engine Optimisation

You need to make sure that your website is tailored for SEO and getting the attention of search engines. You can hire companies to help with this if you are unable to do it alone. The good news is that companies from anywhere can help you. This means you can find an SEO expert in Perth to help you even if you live in Melbourne.

Internal Links

The whole point of your website is to create a resource that your customers can refer to. You need to shop the likes of Google that your website is one that is worth visiting. You can do this by linking internally to pages and make your website as easy to navigate as possible

Get Involved With Other Websites

If you know of any large websites that accept guest submissions then this can help too. This helps to build up your brands as one that knows what they are doing. If you’re experts in a field then people are far more likely to trust you and buy from you. Guest blogging onto websites can really help with this.

Consider Email Marketing

Some people are under the impression that email marketing is out of date. However it can work for you. You just need to make sure you keep an eye on stats and tweak it until it is perfect for you.

The trick with any type of advertising is to make it work for you. Every industry and every business is different. The advertising that works for you will depend on the people you are trying to target.

Analytics and web counters are great because they allow you to see where your traffic is coming from. This is great because you can see what type of advertising is generating leads and what isn’t. You can then drop what isn’t working and make sure that you concentrate your efforts on the methods that are working.

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