If you run a business, you will doubtless want to promote your brand as much as possible. The obvious answer is to devote much of your time to online marketing. After all; it’s easier and cheaper to reach a wider audience that way.
The only downside to online brand marketing is that it can often be a minefield. Why? Because there are so many options and “variables” that it’s easy to make costly mistakes. So, as you are reading this blog post today, it’s likely you want to find out what the right ways are of accomplishing such a goal. The following dynamite SEO ideas will help you to get started:
What do people search for online?
It’s likely you will already have a website and have some visitors to it on a daily basis. But, do you know what it is people search for before they click through to your site? The way to find this information out is to use a reporting tool like Google Analytics.
It’s free to set up and use, and you can drill down to any number of statistics such as keyword analysis. Before you spend money on your next online marketing campaign, find out which phrases people use.
The next stage is to take that a step further and find out what people search for when they visit your competitor’s websites. There is a myriad of tools out there you can use to help you find out. However, it’s a time-consuming task. I’d recommend using a firm like Reputation Rhino to do the hard work for you.
Content is king
Once you know what people search for, it’s time to adapt your content to fit in with their search criteria. One of the biggest mistakes site owners make is to have non-specific content. For example, let’s say that your website has a “products” page.
What you should be doing is have pages dedicated to each product that you sell. That way, you can optimize the content to target people that are only interested in those products. The last thing visitors want to do is spend ages scrolling through a long products list page.
When people search online, it’s because they have a question they need answering. It’s your job to help them find that answer on your website. Only then will you have a chance of converting them into a paying customer!
Site layout
Last, but not least, you need to optimize your content so that it looks great for all kinds of devices. Modern websites use responsive designs. In other words, they automatically adapt to the device or screen size “on-the-fly.”
It’s no secret that the number of mobile Web surfers is growing. That’s why it’s essential your visitors can view your content, regardless of what device or screen size they have. Here are some tips to help you save time and money:
- Use a content management system like WordPress;
- Stick with premium responsive themes from sites like ThemeForest;
- Test your website on as many devices as possible to ensure it is accessible.
By following the advice on this page, you’ll have an easier task when it comes to increasing your brand’s online awareness. Good luck!