Here’s the Secrets to Growing Your Instagram Followers

Social networks have become an essential tool for both personal and business internet users. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, are the best places online to hear news, gossip and promote your new products or services. You obviously want your posts to reach the widest audience possible when using these sites. For that reason, we’re going to provide you with some key information this morning that explains how you can grow your following on Instagram. While it might not be as established as some of the other networks, it’s just as lucrative.



Follow others

Instagram users receive notifications when someone follows their account, and so they’re quite likely to return the favour. Considering that, you should aim to follow as many relevant accounts as possible.

Engage with others

By “liking” and “commenting” on the posts of others, you are making sure people notice you. Don’t go through writing generic rubbish though. Try to think of interesting comments that add something to the discussion.

Hashtag your images

If you hashtag your images appropriately, they will show up on other relevant pages on Instagram. People who view those pages might well click your profile and start following your account if they were interesting enough.

Stay active

By posting at least a couple of updates each and every day, you will stay in the loop. If you let your account go stale, you are unlikely to receive new followers. Also, your existing followers will forget about you.
Now you know the basics of getting more followers on Instagram, you should be ready to start growing your audience. Check the infographic for more information.


Infographic By

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