How important is Website Loading speed to SEO?

Should you worry about Site loading speed when choosing to have a site developed or attempting DIY SEO? Well, Yes but it isn’t the end of the world!

Some “site builders” really are difficult to make really fast loading but the likes of WordPress for example can be tweaked to speed them up and the benefits of low cost and easily accessed functionality in Plugins means WordPress gets the SEO thumbs up (when done correctly!).


Site loading speeds matter because waiting for a website to load quickly is no different from waiting in line at the takeaway. If a website takes too long people will walk out that door and find somewhere else to eat i.e. a competitor. Same situation is true when browsing websites online. If any site takes long time to load, users may navigate to other webs.

Significance of Site Speed in SEO Techniques:

The Liverpool SEO company, Think Brands, say that Search engine optimization (SEO) techniques can be used to speed up a site and so combat the negative impact it can have upon the sites rankings due to Googles Algorithm updates.

Why Site Speed is important in SEO Efforts? Poor site speed may negatively damage your page ranking if website pages take a shocking time to load. In mean while relevancy scores and web link metrics may over cross your competitors.

Website Poor Load Time Affects Readability:

Google page ranking algorithms includes site speed as “signals” though it weight less as the relevance of a page. Relevance of website is what pushes online users that are viewing on your page. Purpose of this is to want to know more about what your website offers to users. You can navigate to more webpages into your website. But, if a website takes too much time to load, then all the hardworking you are doing for relevant content would be lost.

Improved User Experience:

Although negative effect of slow site speed to page ranking is negligible and grants no serious effect, but your web may not come up to ranking in future if you totally ignored your SEO for page speed.

Need Traffic: How to Get More Traffic from Tumblr to Your Website

Google wishes to give the best experience to online visitors by continuously fine-tuning its search engine results pages. In this case Google is awarding higher ranking to famous.

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