Google is the king of search engines. For those in the midst of developing an awesome SEO strategy, they are undoubtedly keen to ensure that Google likes their work. After all, Google is the most commonly used search engine. It is much more than a search engine. It is a valuable marketing tool that needs to be utilised in order for businesses to thrive.
So, with the constant changes to Google rules, how can your business ensure that Google reads their website? After all, you need Google to read your website in order to be ranked.
Page titles are critical to your success. In terms of SEO, you need to have an incredible title so that you can be found in Google’s results. Keywords should be in the title of your content, or website. This means that your pages will rank high within SERPS. However, you need to ensure that your title is relevant. There is no point having a title that states ‘cats do the funniest things’ when you sell biochemicals. Sure, cats are funny, and everyone wants to look at cat memes. But, those who have come to your site will be bitterly disappointed when they find vats of chemicals for sale.
It is critical that you keep the title relevant, but also has a good few keywords thrown in for good measure. You need to make sure that you have keywords within the title. In terms of title length, there is no clear indication of how Google reads this. Short and snappy may be relevant, but long titles can also work. No one has quite figured if shorter or longer titles appease their algorithms.
It’s not just keywords and titles that you need to consider. Google will also look at links. Link building is essential to the success of your company and how it ranks on Google. This means that you will have to external and internal links. Linking should be done from other websites. It should also be done naturally from your social media presence. Internal linking to the most relevant pages within your website is critical. Google likes links. Building them will ensure that your page is read. An SEO Company typically ensures that links fit naturally within your web page. This means that you won’t be penalised for misplaced linking.
Google can be a minefield. But, it can also be a valuable tool within your business arsenal. Without search engines, businesses would not have a platform in the online world. The benefits of search engine optimisation are distinct. Increased rankings with Google drives web traffic and leads. These leads can turn into sales. You can see a fantastic return on investment by utilising Google.
In the midst of ensuring that you have a Google-friendly website, you also need to make sure that it is people friendly. SEO needs to work for both humans and search engines. So, while you may aim your SEO strategies towards appeasing search engines, this will not ensure an increase in sales. You need to remember that you sell to humans, not search engines.