The Page Rank myth.. Has Google hidden the Page Rank or what???

Yesterday I looked up my site page rank I was shocked to see (N-A) from PR 3 then I went through other sites and found there were all either showing “N-A” or ”0” I tried other plug-in and tools but the result was same. I thought there was again some updates of PR, now it has become a mystery what is Google going to do with page rank is it going to hide page rank from the third party or there is something else? Then being as SEO I tried to figure out this issue and I am almost succeed.


Google didn’t hide the PR if is it so then how this site is showing the accurate PR?

Google just made a minimal changes into the “API URL”

Have a look at these links



You can see the page from Google toolbar too Many webmasters use SEO Book, page rank checker or SEO quake these are quite useful and helpful tools at least for the seo perspective I guess they will all soon show the PR as they updates there if you are currently using SEO quake like me you can still check the Page Rank by following these steps.

• First enable the SEO quake by right click SEO quake Icon
• Now click Preference and search for Google PR
• Edit this code :

[NAME]=Google pagerank

to :

[NAME]=Google pagerank

It has worked for me now you can try this and inform me your opinions and feedbacks about the above article via comments, for more seo tutorials stay connected with

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